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Trojan Player Typology

Kahn, A. S., Shen, C., Lu, L., Ratan, R. A., Coary, S., Hou, J., ... & Williams, D. (2015). The Trojan Player Typology: A cross-genre, cross-cultural, behaviorally validated scale of video game play motivations. Computers in Human Behavior, 49, 354-361.



Note: All questions are answered on a 5 point scale.

Anchors: 1 Strongly Disagree, 2 Disagree, 3 Neither Agree nor Disagree, 4 Agree, 5 Strongly Agree


I like to chat with my friends while playing a video game 
I like to use voice communication when I play 
It’s important to me to play with a tightly knit group

I like to master all elements of a game 
I like to figure out how the game works inside and out
I like to try everything that is possible to do in a game 

Winning is a big reason for me to play video games 
I play to win 
It is important to me to be the fastest and most skilled person playing the game

I like to do things in games which I cannot do in real life
Video games allow me to pretend I am
someone/somewhere else

I like the feeling of being part of a story
I like stories in a game 

Games make me smarter 
I play games to enhance my intellectual abilities

Scoring Instructions


Take the average of total points for a value for each subscale.


Limitations- We need your help!


  • How do you score this questionnaire?

  • Should they be presented randomly or in order?

  • Is there an overall score or just subscale scores?

Please use the comments section below to discuss any suggestions, insight, concerns, newer versions, adaptations and other reliable measures that measure the same construct. Use APA style citations.

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