Student of Research
Ashley Oiknine
Immersive Tendency Questionnaire
Witmer, B. G., & Singer, M. J. (1998). Measuring presence in virtual environments: A presence questionnaire. Presence: Teleoperators and virtual environments, 7(3), 225-240.
Note: All questions are answered on a 7 point scale.
5. Do you easily become deeply involved in movies or TV dramas? FOCUS
Anchors: 1 Never, 4 Occasionally, 7 Often
6. Do you ever become so involved in a television program or book that people
have problems getting your attention? INVOL
Anchors: 1 Never, 4 Occasionally, 7 Often
7. How mentally alert do you feel at the present time? FOCUS
Anchors: 1 Not Alert, 4 Moderately, 7 Fully Alert
8. Do you ever become so involved in a movie that you are not aware of things
happening around you? INVOL
Anchors: 1 Never, 4 Occasionally, 7 Often
9. How frequently do you find yourself closely identifying with the characters in
a storyline? INVOL
Anchors: 1 Never, 4 Occasionally, 7 Often
10. Do you ever become so involved in a video game that it is as if you are inside
the game rather than moving a joystick and watching the screen? GAMES
Anchors: 1 Never, 4 Occasionally, 7 Often
12. What kind of books do you read most frequently? —
Spy novels Fantasies Science fiction
Adventure Romance novels Historical novels
Westerns Mysteries Other fiction
Biographies Autobiographies Other non-fiction
13. How physically fit do you feel today? FOCUS
Anchors: 1 Not Fit, 4 Moderately Fit, 7 Extremely Fit
14. How good are you at blocking out external distractions when you are
involved in something? FOCUS
Anchors: 1 Not Very Good, 4 Somewhat Good, 7 Very Good
15. When watching sports, do you ever become so involved in the game that you
react as if you were one of the players?
Anchors: 1 Never, 4 Occasionally, 7 Often
16. Do you ever become so involved in a daydream that you are not aware of
things happening around you? INVOL
Anchors: 1 Never, 4 Occasionally, 7 Often
17. Do you ever have dreams that are so real that you feel disoriented when you
awake? INVOL
Anchors: 1 Never, 4 Occasionally, 7 Often
18. When playing sports, do you become so involved in the game that you lose
track of time? FOCUS
Anchors: 1 Never, 4 Occasionally, 7 Often
20. How well do you concentrate on enjoyable activities?
Anchors: 1 Not at all, 4 Moderately Well, 7 Well
21. How often do you play arcade or video games? (OFTEN should be taken to
mean every day or every two days, on average.) GAMES
Anchors: 1 Never, 4 Occasionally, 7 Often
23. Have you ever gotten excited during a chase or fight scene on TV or in the
movies? FOCUS
Anchors: 1 Never, 4 Occasionally, 7 Often
25. Have you ever gotten scared by something happening on a TV show or in a
movie? INVOL
Anchors: 1 Never, 4 Occasionally, 7 Often
26. Have you ever remained apprehensive or fearful long after watching a scary
movie? INVOL
Anchors: 1 Never, 4 Occasionally, 7 Often
Notes from Witmer and Singer
Internal consistency measures of reliability (Cronbach’s Alpha) for ITQ yielded 0.75. An iterative approach was used to isolate and drop items that did not contribute to the reliability of ITQ (items 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 19, 22, 24, 27, and 28) scales. The ITQ was reduced to 18 items (from 29) with a resultant alpha of 0.81 (Cronbach’s, N 5 132).
Because item 12 produces categorical data, it was retained but not included in the reliability computation.
The mean score on the new ITQ scale was 76.66, with a standard deviation of 13.61. Three auditory and two haptic items were retained but not included in the computation of reliability because the data were based on VEs that provided no haptic or auditory stimulation.
Scoring Instructions
Focus Subscale: 5+7+13+14+18+23
Games Subscale: 10+21
Involvement Subscale: 6+8+9+16+17+25+26
Immersive Tendency: Sum of all subscales
Limitations- We need your help!
Scoring instructions are not clearly cited (the scoring above is the best I've found)
It is not clear what value # 12 has
It is not clear what the items that do not have subscales next to them are used for.
Please use the comments section below to discuss any suggestions, insight, concerns, newer versions, adaptations and other reliable measures that measure the same construct. Use APA style citations.